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"El ser conscientes de que estamos percibiendo o pensando es ser conscientes de nuestra propia existencia." Aristoteles

happy users

I received a very cool thankful email from a snappy user today:

"After testing I quickly found out that Snappy is what I've been looking for ever since I started using Linux, 5-6 years ago.

In my work as an animator I've felt that there have always been a lack of a production quality video player. That is a player that lets me view my clips without getting in the way and gives me full control of playback.
For instance there haven't been a single player that could do frame stepping backwards, I've asked for this feature from all of the players but only got answers like impossible, too much work, why would anyone want that?, etc.
Now snappy is out with exactly that feature. And that is in version 0.2.
Snappy is also targeted towards us professionals. That is reassuring as focus will be on what important to us, playback of video, instead of eyecandy like a gazillion effects.
It fits perfectly in my production pipeline as a tool that does one thing, plays videos, and does it well.

Snappy has been a pleasue to know for the last couple of months.

Thank you!

... aaand that made my day! \o/
so, no, Thank You David

17 Comentarios


copy1(int fdf, int fdt, char *from, char *to)
	char *buf;
	long n, n1, rcount;
	int rv;
	char err[ERRMAX];

	buf = malloc(DEFB);
	/* clear any residual error */
	err[0] = '';
	errstr(err, ERRMAX);
	rv = 0;
	for(rcount=0;; rcount++) {
		n = read(fdf, buf, DEFB);
		if(n <= 0)
		n1 = write(fdt, buf, n);
		if(n1 != n) {
			fprint(2, "cp: error writing %s: %r\n", to);
			failed = 1;
			rv = -1;
	if(n < 0) {
		fprint(2, "cp: error reading %s: %r\n", from);
		failed = 1;
		rv = -1;
	return rv;

1 Comentarios

usability graphjam

3 Comentarios

10,000 visitas

woohoo. acabo de sobrepasar las 10,000 visitas en flickr!

metro madrid

mas fotos de la serie "free software people" pronto.

2 Comentarios

Ubuntu People for Obama

4 Comentarios


python + clutter + flickr

flickbook es un pase de diapos automatico buscando recursivamente por etiquetas en el explore de flickr. Pensado para: hilo automatico, unico cada vez, especifico en el tiempo, aleatorio; arte/instalación.

Todavía en beta pero ya es entretenido de ver. Mi objetivo es dejarlo corriendo en una videoactuacion a la cual me comprometí pero no podré estar dado que no puedo viajar esos días. Aunque necesita más "show" todavia para ello. Ahora mismo lo tengo corriendo como salvapantallas.


si no puedes ver el video arriba, pincha aquí

3 Comentarios

de camino

on my way

4 Comentarios

el cielo sobre dublin

liffey at sunset

6 Comentarios

vida sin música

"sin la música, la vida sería un error"

friedrich nietzsche

3 Comentarios

IEA: Ya tenemos web!

Ya tenemos web en Imagen en Acción.

¿Qué no sabes que es Imagen en Acción?


aparte del foro, tambien tenemos cuenta y grupo de reportajes en flickr.


post previo

6 Comentarios

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